Mainly kayaking photographs taken on the Isle of Man and beyond.

Sunday, 3 May 2009

Isle of Man Kayaking - Chicken Rock.

Located a mile and a half off the southern most tip of the Calf of Man lies Chicken Rock, with it's formidable lighthouse. This is the most southerly land mass administered by the Manx Government. There's a light house there because the rock is treacherous to shipping. It's also pretty treacherous to kayakers. Exposed to the prevailing westerly and south westerly winds, the rock has vast, endless and constant tidal races sweeping around it. These often meet with eddy currents creating turbulent, boiling, whirlpool infested waters! This seemed the ideal spot for Ian and I to practice our rough water landings, roles and self rescues! Well, to be fair it was pretty sedate for chicken rock this day, and the rough water landing was made in a gentle swell. There was even time to climb the 30 feet or so up the iron ladder to the locked lighthouse door to snap some of the photos above.

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