Mainly kayaking photographs taken on the Isle of Man and beyond.

Tuesday, 25 August 2009

Isle of Man Kayaking - Harris to Man.

I went the long way round for my return journey from the Western Isles back home to the Isle of Man. I swapped ferries and sailed from Tarbert on the Isle of Harris down to Uig on Skye. This journey is made easier these days now that the Skye Bridge is toll free. Never the less, a gruelling 6 hour drive to Glasgow awaited me. There weren't quite as many camper vans as I had previously encountered in Lofoten in the Summer, but I certainly had plenty of time to take in the stunning scenery. One such observation was the ferocious tidal race pouring under the Bridge at Connel. These are the Falls of Laura and are a famous play spot for kayakers. Millions of gallons of sea water pour over a shelf under the bridge from Loch Etive, creating whirlpools, standing waves and boils. I'd observed several races on the way down as various Lochs emptied into the sea, but I'd never seen anything like this. I broke my journey and parked up to take a look. The waves weren't huge, but whipped up by an opposing wind a gnarly high speed torrent lay before me. I had never been in water moving this fast before. Unfortunately, I didn't have time to venture in, despite having my kayak with me. There were quite a number of sea kayakers parked up by the race. They were obviously on a schedule too, as all kayaks remained firmly lashed to roof racks!?


Anonymous said...

Mmm, that looks like a bit of fun :)

Anonymous said...

Mmm, it looks some fun, of the continual beating variety :)