Mainly kayaking photographs taken on the Isle of Man and beyond.

Sunday 22 February 2009

Kayaking Isle of Man - Orkney.

I remember one weekend in Orkney I was "on call" for anaesthetics and was laid very low indeed with flu. I could barely move and set up camp in my living room under a duvet with the TV for company. During my brief periods of consciousness during that 72 hour stint, I prayed that I would not be called into the hospital to anaesthetise an emergency case. Orkney was a bit different to the Isle of Man. Back then there were just two Consultant Anaesthetists on the Island. Of course, that weekend my colleague was away and there was no one else. Mercifully, for both me and the patients, it remained quiet and I wasn't needed. I was reminded of this yesterday as once again whilst on call my sore throat worsened and I started to feel cold and shivery. At least here on the Isle of Man there are 5 other Consultant Anaesthetists. I doubt they'd be best pleased to be called on their weekend off, but at least there is some back up. I wasn't as ill as that weekend in Orkney and this morning, with 24 hours of on call to go, I feel much better.
No kayaking of course!

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