Mainly kayaking photographs taken on the Isle of Man and beyond.

Monday 14 July 2008

Sea Kayaking Isle of Man - Ronning's Garden.

Imagine driving 50 km along rugged logging roads through dense forest to the remote logging inlet of Holberg and then on another 20 km on the worst, most pot holed road encountered so far, all to reach the very well named Cape Scott Provincial Park. Not far from your destination, and praying the 4 by 4 holds together, desperate to avoid punctures by the razor sharp stones, you see a sign for "Ronnings Garden"!
Bernt Ronning was a Danish settler who established his remote homestead in 1910. Most of his countrymen abandoned their Cape Scott settlement when the promised access road was not completed. The reclusive Ronning stayed on earning a meager living as a trapper, fisherman and camp cook. He sent for cuttings and seeds by mail from all around the world, cleared 5 acres of rain forest and planted the unexpected and lovely garden we found today. The garden fell into disrepair when Ronning died in 1963, but has largely been revived by Ron and Julia Moe who own it today. The garden is best known for its male and female monkey puzzle trees found at the entrance to the garden. They are some of the largest and oldest in B.C. and are one of the few pairs in North America that produce viable seeds.
..... oh and there's been kayaking too .....

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